This book is for readers who are interested in English literature and history of London. The author Allison Lin not only explores some of the greatest poems written about London, from John Keats to Wendy Cope, from Tennyson to T.S. Eliot, but also interweaves their works into five themes: Love, History, Metropolis, Cultural Exchange, and Urbanity. This collection of poems brings English literature and history of London together, and making it an enriched reading experience that is full of witty and entertaining.
本書特色?? ?
“This book will prove valuable to all those interested in the history of London and in the history of English poetry. So climb aboard this open-topped, double-decker poetic bus, and prepare to enjoy the history of London in verse!”──Professor Mark Ford, the Head of UCL English Department
劉濤身穿Oscar de la Renta早春黑色燙金刺繡高腰傘裙,腳踩Christian Louboutin黑色麂皮尖頭高跟鞋到哈爾濱,一甩張春華的優雅清麗,搖身變回浪漫都會女子;她選擇以蘭蔻絕對完美唇膏#132疊擦絕對完美光蜜唇萃#132,前者正紅玫瑰色讓整個人亮起來,後者柔潤質地,暈染色彩交疊處,可打造更自然的漸變脣妝,輕鬆讓自己性感與甜美於一身。(中國時報)